Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tom Cruise save us from the Aliens

The War of the Worlds, the collision of mankind versus an enemy greater than ourselves, the alien visitor!  The idea of life outside world has mystified us since the beginning of time.  It forms the basis of most of our religious practices, that somewhere outside the earth, be it another spiritual realm or world, exists beings that are more advanced than we are.  This could be via science and technology as we consider it in the modern era, but also spirituality and connection to the sublime, perhaps culturally more advanced, or possessing of philosophical knowledge or revelation that they in turn impart on our species.

In the case of the War of the Worlds, this is an alien species from Mars that wants our resources for their own and uses their more advanced weaponry and technology to subjugate us.  A popular work of science fiction it forms the core tropes of the alien invasion story which has been repainted in various films from The Day the Earth Stood Still to Independence Day, or even the more retelling of War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise.  It is this ease with which the tale lends itself to media entertainment which I believed sparked the infamous radio broadcast by Orson Welles, and struck such a chord with the nation.

The radio broadcast played upon the fears of the idea that Mars our nearest neighbor was inhabited by life inimical to our own.  Even though it was prefaced with the warning that it was a fabrication, the broadcast played on the real fears that life was out there and wanted us dead.  many believed it as true, or perhaps caught it later in the show, and given the style of broadcast delivered as a news announcement with 'on location' personnel to lend realism it was a sensation.

This broadcast struck a chord with the public that shared a fascination with the Red Planet and what secrets it could hold.  So much has been written about Mars from canals on the planet to, in the modern era, the idea of a face on mars and artificial structures present.  It is a constant fascination, since it is our most Earth-like neighbor and yet certainly an alien inhospitable world.

Though I do find it amusing that if there is a War of the Worlds, we will be the invaders.


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